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Your gift to USAHello helps us provide free, critical multilingual information and education resources to immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees and their welcoming communities.

USAHello’s online and mobile tools allow people to stay informed, find local resources, study for their high school diploma and US citizenship – anonymously, safely, and free of charge.

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Your donations change lives


Connect a newcomer to local services via our FindHello app.


Enroll a new student into our free online GED® prep course.


Provide a high quality translation of critical information.

USAHello Welcome t-shirt
Welcome Shirts

Donate $100 or more today to support USAHello and receive a free Welcome Shirt! Adult and youth shirts are available in a variety of colors. After making a donation you will receive a separate email with a code for a free shirt (and free shipping!) in our online store. Donate today!

See style options

The successful integration of refugees and immigrants strengthens our common future.

Learn more about other ways you can support newcomers.

Read more about all of our partnerships.