
Uniting for Ukraine parole program

Uniting for Ukraine is a special parole program for Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion. Parole allows people in urgent need to come to the U.S. temporarily without a visa. Find information on parole, sponsors, eligibility, and how to apply.

更新 10 4 月, 2024

What is Uniting for Ukraine

Uniting for Ukraine is a program that allows certain Ukrainians to come to the USA to temporarily stay and work. A Ukrainian in this program is called a beneficiary

To apply for the program, you must be outside of the United States and have someone in the U.S. who can support you during your stay. This person is called a supporter or a sponsor. 

Beneficiaries already in the U.S. may be able to extend their stay by applying for re-parole. You do not need a sponsor when you apply for re-parole. 

Who can be a beneficiary

To come to the USA through the Uniting for Ukraine Program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Ukrainian citizen with a valid Ukrainian passport (or an immediate family member of a Ukrainian citizen)
  • Lived in Ukraine right before invasion (through February 11, 2022)
  • Had to leave home due to the invasion
  • Currently are outside of the USA
  • Have a sponsor in the USA
  • Pass background and security screening
  • Vaccinations and medical requirements

Immediate family members in the process include a spouse, common-law partner, and children under 21.

Children under 18 must travel with a parent or legal guardian under this program. If a child is coming to join a parent already in the U.S. they can apply through the regular humanitarian parole program.

Who can be a supporter

A supporter or sponsor is someone who is willing to apply for you to be in this program. They must prove they can provide you with financial and other help for 2 years. They must have legal status and live in the USA. 

A supporter can be a:

  • U.S. citizen
  • Lawful permanent resident (Green Card)
  • Nonimmigrant in lawful status
  • Asylee, refugee, or parolee
  • TPS holder
  • DED recipient
  • DACA recipient

A supporter must:

  • Prove to have financial resources to support you for your entire time in U.S.
  • Pass security and background checks

Examples of types of help a supporter should be available to offer:

  • Provide transportation from the airport
  • Provide safe housing while in U.S.
  • Help complete needed documents
  • Ensure health and medical needs met
  • Help with finding a job, school enrollment, learning English, and other needs

A supporter can also apply with others or on behalf of an organization or business that will also provide support. If they are applying on behalf of a business or other entity, they should include a letter of commitment.

How can I find a sponsor?

Welcome Connect can help you find a sponsor if you do not know someone in the U.S. who is willing to do this. It provides a secure, accessible way for potential sponsors and Ukrainians seeking refuge to connect, start a conversation, and mutually agree on sponsorship

On the 3rd Tuesday of every month, the platform will open for beneficiaries to register. Once the registration limit is reached, it will close until the next month.

Check Welcome Connect to find the date and time for the next registration window. 

How can I become a sponsor?

Learn more about becoming a sponsor with our partner Welcome.US.

How to apply

The beneficiary can not start the application process. Your supporter is the one who must first apply.

The supporter must file Form I-134A with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). They must file a separate form for each beneficiary, including children. There is no fee for the application.

For questions or to get your application status you can send a secure message from your USCIS account or call 800-375-5283 (TTY 800-767-1833) from within the U.S. or 212-620-3418 from outside the U.S. 

See USCIS Frequently Asked Questions.

Approval process

USCIS could determine that Form I-134A is sufficient or request more information to approve your supporter. If your supporter is approved, you will receive an email with step-by-step instructions to:

Submit biographic (personal) information:

Get Advance Travel Authorization to the United States:

  • If approved, you will have the authorization to travel to the U.S. for the next 90 days.
  • You or your supporter must buy your plane ticket and arrange travel.

Next steps after parole

If you are paroled into the United States, you will need to do the following after arriving:

  • Report your physical address after 30 days
  • Get a medical screening within 90 days
  • Review support services and benefits through ORR
  • Apply for a work permit with Form I-765
  • Apply for a social security card with Form I-765 or with SSA

Under Uniting for Ukraine, you do not need Form I-765 approved to start working in the USA. You can use your Form I-94 while you wait for approval or your social security card. You also do not have to pay a fee for the form.

If you change locations in the USA, You must report all changes of address within 10 days of moving. If you need to leave the country after arriving in the USA, you must apply for a special travel document called advance parole with Form I-131.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may decide to terminate your parole under certain circumstances, such as if you violate any U.S. laws. 

Don’t forget to give yourself time to adjust and seek support if you need it.

Re-parole process

If you have humanitarian parole through Uniting for Ukraine, you can request re-parole. These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. If your request is accepted, you can continue to live and work legally in the USA for an additional 2 years.

You will also still be eligible for support services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). You do not need to have a sponsor to apply for re-parole.


To apply for re-parole, you must show you:

  • Are a Ukrainian citizen or immediate family member who was paroled into the USA on or after February 11, 2022
  • Have a continued urgent humanitarian reason to stay in the U.S. or provide a significant public benefit 
  • Show positive factors in your case, such as good character, no criminal history, and the ability to change your status 
  • Are currently in the United States
  • Have followed the rules of your parole
  • Passed biographic and biometric background checks
You do not need a sponsor to apply for re-parole.

How to file for re-parole

To file for re-parole, you must complete and submit Form I-131. This can be done online or by mail.

  • For the application type, select “I am outside the United States, and I am applying for an Advance Parole Document” (even though you are applying for re-parole inside the USA).
  • You will then select “yes” to the question about applying for re-parole. You will be asked to submit documentation and pay a filing. 

File for re-parole as soon as possible so you do not risk a gap in your status and lose benefits and work authorization. You can file for re-parole even if you have a pending application for another status, such as asylum, temporary protected status, or Green Card. 

If your re-parole is granted, you will need to renew your work permit. You must have a re-parole approval notice before you can apply. To file for work authorization, you must complete and submit Form I-765.  

You do not need to apply for re-parole if you have been granted temporary protected status or another legal status such as asylum. If you are unsure of your status, it is best to talk to an immigration legal representative.
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Find help outside the USA

See a list of groups that help migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers worldwide. Learn where to get help by the Mexico border, help with sponsorship, and more.

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本页信息来自 USCIS, DHS, U.S. Department of State, Welcome.US, 以及其他可信来源。 我们的目标是提供易于理解、定期更新的信息。相关信息不是法律建议。
