شغلی را انتخاب کنید
آیا می خواهید یک کار دیگر داشته باشید؟ می توانید از میان مشاغل مختلف کی را انتخاب کنید. در مورد حوزه های مختلف کار که فرصتهای خوبی برای تازه واردان به ایالات متحده را دارند مطالعه بفرمایید. در مورد آموزش و مراحلی که برای گرفتن یک شغل بهتر باید بردارید یاد بگیرید.
Food service jobs
Food service jobs
Learn about the food service industry and different kinds of food service jobs. Read about the different career paths you can take in the food and restaurant industries. Find out what training you need and where to start your job search. Learn about newcomers who start their own food service businesses.
بیشتر یاد بگیریدPersonal care, service and maintenance jobs
Personal care, service and maintenance jobs
Learn about service and maintenance jobs and the many different kinds of care and service jobs. Read about different careers in personal care and maintenance. Find out what training you need and where to start your job search.
بیشتر یاد بگیریدPublic administration jobs
Public administration jobs
Learn about public administration jobs and different kinds of non-profit and public service work. Read about the different career paths you can take in public administration. Find out what training you need and where to start your job search.
بیشتر یاد بگیرید