
DED Hong Kong: Deferred Enforced Departure

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DED Hong Kong is effective through February 5, 2025. You do not need to apply for DED Hong Kong to receive benefits.

Оновлено 3 Лютого, 2023

What is DED?   

Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) is a form of legal protection for people in the United States. DED is for people who cannot go back to their home country because of dangerous situations, including political conflict. 

If you qualify for DED, you can:

  • Stay in the U.S. legally for a period of time
  • Apply for a work permit in the USA
  • Apply to travel outside the USA
  • Be protected from detention and deportation 

DED is temporary. It does not give you lawful permanent status, citizenship, or any permanent immigration status.

Go to the USCIS DED Hong Kong page for more details.

Who is eligible?

You must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a resident of Hong Kong before arriving in the USA
  • Have a HKSAR passport, British BN(O) passport, British BOC passport, HKIC, or HKSAR Doc/I
  • Lived only in U.S. since January 26, 2023
  • Have not left U.S. since January 26, 2023 

Who is not eligible?  

You may not be eligible for DED Hong Kong if you:

  • Left the USA after January 26, 2023
  • Willingly left for Hong Kong or China after January 26, 2023
  • Committed certain crimes 
  • Are considered inadmissible under immigration law 

Do I need to apply for DED Hong Kong?

No. You do not need to apply for DED Hong Kong. USCIS does not require an application for DED. It automatically applies to certain residents from Hong Kong. 

Can I apply for a work permit?

Work permits are available to people with DED and are known as an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). It shows employers that you are allowed to work in the USA. You can apply for a work permit by filing Form I-765.

If you already have a category A-11 EAD that expires on February 5, 2023, it will automatically be extended through February 5, 2025. 

Can I apply for a travel permit?

Travel permits are available to people with DED. It is known as advanced parole. It shows immigration officials that you are allowed to travel abroad and back to the USA.

You can apply for a travel permit by filing Form I-131. Follow the instructions on the Federal Register notice when applying for a travel permit.

What happens when DED Hong Kong expires?

If DED is not renewed, you will have the same immigration status you had before getting DED. 

If you did not have a legal immigration status before you applied for DED, you may become undocumented. You can apply for another form of immigration status if you are eligible. If you stay without any legal status, you will risk the chance of arrest or deportation. 

Can I change my immigration status?

You can have DED at the same time as another immigration status. 

You can apply for asylum, lawful permanent status (Green Card), or other protected status if you meet the requirements for those applications.

It is important to seek legal advice from an immigration lawyer or accredited representative. They can help you with USCIS applications and discuss questions or concerns. Many organizations and lawyers offer free or low-cost legal services.  

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Інформація, що міститься на цій сторінці, отримана з DHS, USCIS, та з інших надійних джерел. Ми прагнемо надавати зрозумілу та найбільш актуальну інформацію. Ця інформація не є юридичною порадою.
