
Translated driver’s manuals for newcomers in the USA

Find translated driver’s manuals and information on how to drive in the United States.

Updated September 11, 2024

What is a driver’s manual?

A driver’s manual is a small book that has information on how to drive. It explains driving rules and prepares you for the driving tests. It is a free handbook from the Department of Motor Vehicles, also known as the DMV. Each state in the U.S. has its own driver’s manual.

Translated U.S. driver’s manuals

These translated driver’s manuals in your first language will help you prepare for the driving test. In many states, you can take tests in your language. In other states, you must take the test in English.

IMPORTANT: These manuals may not be specific to your state and could be outdated. They will help you study but should only be used to help as some of the laws might be different in your state. You will need the official driver’s manual for your state as well.

Click on one of the pictures below to see the driver’s manual. You can read the manual online, or you can download it to your computer or mobile device.

دليل السائق (Arabic)

The driver's manual in the Arabic language

Վարորդի ձեռնարկ (Armenian)

The driver's manual in the Armenian language

驾驶员手册 (Chinese)

The driver's manual in the Chinese language

کتاب رهنما دریوری (Dari)

virginia driver's manual translated in dari

دفترچه راهنمای راننده (Farsi)

The driver's manual in the Farsi language

Manuel du conducteur (French)

The driver's manual in French

Manyèl Ofisyèl Lisans Chofè (Haitian Creole)

हिन्दी (Hindi)

The driver's manual in the Hindi language

運転マニュアル (Japanese)

The driver's manual in Japanese

ပှၤနီၣ်သိလ့ၣ် အလံာ်နဲၣ်ကျဲ (Karen)

The driver's manual in the Karen language

សៀវភៅណែនាំស្ដីពីការបើកបរ (Khmer)

The driver's manual in the Khmer language

Igitabo cy’umushoferi (Kinyarwanda)

운전자 설명서 (Korean)

The driver's manual in Korean

चालकलाई मार्गनिर्देशिका (Nepali)

The driver's manual in Nepalese

د موټر چلوونکي لاسي کتاب (Pashto)

The driver's manual in Pashto

ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi)

The driver's manual in the Punjabi language

Руководство для водителя (Russian)

The driver's manual in Russian

Buuga darawalnimada (Somali)

The driver's manual in Somalian

Manual del conductor (Spanish)

Mwongozo wa Dereva (Swahili)

swahili drivers manual cover

Drayber Manwal (Tagalog)


số tay lái xe (Vietnamese)

The driver's manual in the Vietnamese language

The information on this page comes from Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), ReEstablish Richmond, and other trusted sources. We aim to offer easy to understand information that is updated regularly. This information is not legal advice.
