
The citizenship application fee and waivers

You must pay a citizenship application fee. Know how to make the payment. Learn how to ask for a fee waiver or reduced fee as well as other ways to get help with paying the fee.

Updated April 1, 2024

How much is the fee?

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) charges a fee for the citizenship application. It covers both the cost of processing your Form N-400 and your biometrics appointment.

The naturalization fee as of April 1, 2024 is:

  • $710 if you file online
  • $760 if you file by paper

Learn more about the recent fee changes.

How do I pay the fee?

You can pay online or by mail. You must pay the fee at the same time you file Form N-400. You will get a $50 discount if you file online.

Pay online
If you file your form online, you will be guided through the process of paying your fees with a credit, debit, or pre-paid card. Bank account withdrawals are also available when paying online. Once you are ready to submit your form, the system will send you to to pay your fees online.

Pay by mail
If you mail your form to your local USCIS Lockbox, you can include your check, money order, or Form-G-1450 for a credit card payment. Make your check payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Do not send cash.

Tips for making payments to USCIS:

  • Make sure to pay the correct fee. USCIS will reject your application if you pay the wrong fee.
  • You can use the USCIS Fee Calculator if you are also filing other forms. Use one payment method.
  • Don’t give a credit card that could be declined. If it is declined, USCIS will reject your application.

Is the fee refundable?

No. The fee is not refundable. You will not get your money back if your citizenship application is denied.

What if I can’t afford to pay the fee?

You can apply for a fee waiver or a reduced fee with USCIS if you cannot pay the fees. You must file your citizenship application by mail to apply for one. You can not do it online.

Fee waiver: you will not not pay anything.

Reduced fee: you will pay $380.

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The New Americans Campaign’s calculator can help you learn if you can apply for a fee waiver or reduced fee. It is figured out based on your household size and household income.

  • Household size includes you, the head of household, your spouse, children under 21, legal wards, children 21-23 in school, children over 21 with certain disabilities, your parents, and any other dependents you list on your federal tax return. Other relatives not listed or roommates do not count towards household size.
  • Household income is the total amount of money everyone in your household size earned in one year.

Fee Waiver

Who can apply for a fee waiver?

You must meet one of the following requirements to ask for a fee waiver:

  1. You, your spouse, or the head of household are receiving a public benefit. Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, and SSI are public benefits that can be considered for this.
  2. You are having a hard time making payments because of things like unexpected medical bills or emergencies.
  3. Your annual household income is at or below the 150% Federal Poverty Guidelines at the time of filing.
Household SizeIncome below
9+Add $8,070 for each additional person

How can I apply for a fee waiver?

To ask for a fee waiver you can either:

  1. Fill out and submit Form I-912.
  2. Write a letter explaining why you are unable to pay the fees. You must submit all documents requested in the form instructions. These include proof of your household income and public benefits.

Reduced fee

Who can apply for a reduced fee?

Your annual household income must be more than 150% but less than 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines at the time of filing.

Household sizeIncome more thanIncome less than
9+Add $8,070 for each additional personAdd $21,520 for each additional person

How can I apply for a reduced fee?

You can ask for a reduced fee by filing Form I-942.

  • Make sure to read the form instructions and include all requested documents.
  • Include your request for a waiver with your citizenship application.
  • Be sure to sign the form.

Other ways to get help with the fee

  • The New Americans Campaign lists non-profit organizations that can help you complete your application over the phone or in person.
  • The Mission Asset Fund offers a 0-interest loan to help you pay for your citizenship application fee.
  • A number of credit unions offer 0 or low-interest citizenship loans. Contact your local credit union for financial help.
  • Ask your local non-profit if they offer financial help.
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Next: Learn what to expect at the naturalization interview and test

The information on this page comes from USCIS and other trusted sources. We aim to offer easy to understand information that is updated regularly. This information is not legal advice.
